Women's Health

Hormonal imbalances can occur in females of all ages. These imbalances, compounded by stress, can cause unpleasant symptoms, such as:


Insomnia    Foggy Thinking  ●  Fatigue  ●  Weight Gain   Increased Irritability   Infertility
Post-Partum Blues    PMS   Fluid Retention   Menstrual Cramping
Irregular Menstrual Cycles   Breast Tenderness   Acne    Fibroids   Headaches
Osteoporosis   Heavy Bleeding    Polycystic Ovaries   Heart Palpitations
Depression/Mood Swings  ●  Temperature Fluctuations

Dr. John R. Lee, M.D. and David Zava, PhD. wrote What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About BREAST CANCER - How Hormone Balance Can Help Save Your Life. Following is a quote from Chapter 2, RISK FACTORS FOR BREAST CANCER (pp. 24-25):   published in 2002

"...almost all risk factors associated with breast cancer are directly or indirectly related to excess estrogen or estrogen that isn't balanced with progesterone. We believe that correcting this imbalance, which Dr. Lee has termed estrogen dominance, is the essence of preventing and treating breast cancer."

The scientific literature is clear that an excess of estrogen or estrogen activity at the cellular level is the root cause of breast cancer. We learned from the original women's Health Initiative (WHI) Trial that hormone imbalances triggered by the use of synthetic hormones (birth control pills, Premarin, Prempro, Premphase, Provera) can have deadly consequences.

Launched in 1953, the original Women's Health Initiative (WHI) Trial enrolled 161,808 women aged 50-79 into one or more randomized clinical trials, testing the health effects of synthetic hormone therapy. This study was abruptly cancelled in July, 2002 when it showed a greater risk versus benefit for a majority of diseases it was thought to prevent.

·         41% increase in strokes

·         29% increase in heart attacks

·         26% increase in breast cancer

·         22 % increase in total cardiovascular disease

·         A doubling of the rate of blood clots

·         A possible contributor to Alzheimer's disease

It's important to understand that all the hormones used in the WHI Trial were synthetic hormones, despite the fact that previously conducted research studies which employed the use of bio-identical hormones shower beneficial results.

Natural hormones have chemical structures that are identical to the ones that our bodies produce. The hormone products used in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) are carefully prepared by compounding pharmacies, which specialize in preparing medicinal products individually-tailored to the unique needs of each client. Most women experiencing symptoms in the period before, during and after menopause experience significant reduction or in many cases complete elimination of life-disrupting symptoms and increased overall health after being properly treated with bio-identical hormones.

The key to hormone balance is the knowledge that when estrogen becomes the dominant hormone and progesterone is deficient, estrogen becomes toxic to the body.

Also see:

What to expect during treatment.